早幾日玩完個曼谷, 係時候要搞下個沙巴啦, 本應諗好晒, 而家又要改, 唉……
* 心思思想去神山住返晚喎, 順路又可以去埋上次唔記得左去既神山公園行下~~
* 仲有想去上次揾唔到既Kota Belue Sunday Market
* 揾揾下又比我揾到個島仔Labuan, 但係KK要搭3個鐘船去喎 (Beaufort就搭15分鐘), 但好遠路程喎, 唔掂…
* 雖然會出外島, 但又想揾間有泳池既酒店住下喎…….
頭兩晚會住Resort, 等我先揾下啲資料先 (by booking.com)
KK 市內~
The Pacific Sutera (RM 373++) http://www.suteraharbour.com/v4/
The Magellan Sutera (RM 561++) http://www.suteraharbour.com/v4/
Nexus Resort & Spa (RM 400++) http://www.nexusresort.com/new/spa.html
Shangri-La Tanjung Aru (RM675.75++) http://www.shangri-la.com/en/kotakinabalu/tanjungaruresort/
Sharngri-La’s Rasa Ria Resort (RM 705.50++) http://www.shangri-la.com/en/kotakinabalu/rasariaresort/
Mimipian jadi resort (RM 210++)
Gaya Island ~
Gayana Eco Resort (RM 905.17++) http://www.gayana-eco-resort.com/index.php
Bunga Raya Island Resort & Spa (RM1,206.90++) http://www.bungarayaresort.com/index.php
Gaya Island Resort (RM 843.33++) http://www.gayaislandresort.com/
Penampang 市內~
Lembah Impian County Homes Resort (RM248++)
Papar 市內~
Beringgis Beach Resort & Spa (RM196++) http://beringgis.com/
Langka Syabas Beach Resort (RM180.40++)
Borneo Paradise Beach Hotel (RM151++)
(by booking.com)
Celyn Resort Kinabalu (RM176++) http://www.celyns.com/resort/
Poring Hot Spring & Reserve Resort (RM3793.10++) http://www.pinganchorage.com.my/malaysia_hotel/sabah_poring_hot_spring_and_nature_reserve_resort.htm
Mesilau Nature Resort (RM388++)
Hot Spring Garden Hotel (RM 42.67++)
Kinabalu Park Hotel (RM603.5++)
Sabah Tea Garden~Cattages (RM240++) http://www.sabahtea.com.my/tourism/
Sabah Tea Garden~Longhouse (RM120++) http://www.sabahtea.com.my/tourism/
(by Agoda)
Kinabalue Pine Resort (HKD389++) http://www.kinabalupineresort.com/
Mount Kinabalu Heritage Resort & Spa (HKD432++) http://www.mountkinabaluheritageresort.com.my/
Kinabalu Mountain Lodge (HKD194++)
Dream World Resort (HKD551++) http://www.dreamworldkundasang.com/
Stawberry Garden Hotel (HKD281++) http://borneostrawberry.com/HotelMain.aspx
Seri Kinabalu Resort (HKD65++) http://serikinabaluresort.com/
Kiram’s Village (HKD173++) http://kirams-village.com/
真係選擇困難證發作囉~~~~ 點算好呢~~~~