Kasprowy Wierch
Cable car Station is located in Kuznice : Kolej Linowa Kasprowy Wierch (upper part of Zakopane)
Cable car : Return PLN 63
Morskie Oko
共7段路程, 全長7.5km, 步行時間約2小時
Star from : (1) Palenica Białczańska > (7) Morskie Oko
可以由 Palenica Białczańska 坐馬車上山 (PLN 40), 約40分鐘 > (5) Wlosienica 再行 2km 到 (7) Morskie Oka
Gubałówka and the local market
•walk down Krupówki Street to the cable train station to Gubałówka hill
Cable train station : Krupówki
Opening hours: I-II 09.00-20.00/21.45
Tickets return -17 zł, reduced - 14 zł, one way - 12 zł, reduced 10 zł.
•walk along the top rigde (2km)
•Butorowy Wierch - taking the chair lift down the Powstańców Śląskich street
Opening hours: I-II 09.00-16.00
One way ticket - 9 zł, return - 6 zł.
•back to the town along the Powstańców Śląskich street (30 min. walk will take you to the city centre.)
•then along Kościeliska street - visiting the Zakopane Style Museum in Villa Koliba (closed on Mon and Tue)
•visiting the oldest church in Zakopane and the old cemetary